Flight 5F738 to Chisinau

Flight 5F738 is a flight from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS) to Chisinau. This Flyone flight has been scheduled for Saturday February 22 2025 15:40.

This flight will depart on Saturday February 22 2025 at 15:40.

Flyone logo

Flight information

Departures 3
Check-in counter
Check-in 25
Gate is closing
Flight number
Scheduled departure
Actual departure

Check-in for Flyone flight 5F738

For most flights you can check in online on the website of your airline. You can also check in at the airport.

The check-in is open from 12:40 tot 14:40 uur. Check-in and baggage drop-off is in terminal Departures 3 at check-in counter 25. Do you travel with carry-on baggage only? Then you can go straight to the security check.

Security check and customs

After check-in and baggage drop-off, you go through the security check first. Because the destination of this flight is within the Schengen area, you will not have to go through immigration.

You can immediately go through the security check after check-in and baggage drop-off. The waiting time usually varies between 5 minutes and 20 minutes. After the security check you have plenty of opportunity to have a drink, shop or sit quietly.

Attention: the security check is strict. You can only take small amounts of liquids with you in your hand luggage, besides other restrictions. Check all baggage rules

Gate and boarding

Attention: this flight now departs from gate G3 (this has changed). Follow the yellow signs to gate G3. At the gate you can wait until boarding starts.

Boarding is almost finished. The gate will close soon. You only have a few minutes left to board this flight.