Cancelled flights Amsterdam Airport today

These flights are cancelled today at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.
The flights are sorted by departure time. This list is refreshed every minute.

Codeshares are not included in this overview. Looking for a specific destination or flight number? Use the search function.

Is your flight not listed? Good news, it's still departing today! Check the list with all departing flights from Amsterdam Airport.

Time Flight Destination Status

What to do when your flight is cancelled?

According to European legislation, you are entitled to compensation if your flight is cancelled. The airline must inform you about your rights and the options available to you.

If your flight is cancelled, the airline must offer you the choice between:

Airlines are not required to pay compensation if the cancellation is due to extraordinary circumstances. This includes situations such as bad weather, political instability, or security risks.

However, the airline must still offer you the choice between re-routing and a refund.