Amsterdam Schiphol Airport departures

Track your flight departing from Amsterdam Schiphol airport. See the terminal, gate, check-in desk, delays and flight status.

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Departure from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport

This website shows all departures for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS). The departures are sorted by time, destination, flight number, status and gate. During the day, the overview will show you the most current flight information.

When you're looking for a specific flight, you can use the search function to find your flight number, airline or destination. Or check all airlines departing from Amsterdam airport.

Is your flight a codeshare? Then you can also search for the number of your codeshare. When you click through to your flight, you will also see the other flight numbers.

When you fly from Amsterdam airport, you can check in online. You can do this on the website of your airline. Remember to also check the baggage rules before packing your luggage.